Running headscale with headscale-admin (UI), letsencrypt & docker-compose in dual stack with IPv4 and IPv6
3After testing some overlay networks with the possibility to self-host for myself (e.g. netbird, netmaker, tailscale) i ended up using headscale. Headscale is an open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server. It runs perfectly on small VPS (e.g. 1 CPU core, 2GB RAM) and has some features i was missing in the other overlay network solutions (at this day). I’ll check netbird in future again since i see a lot of active development there. It might make sense to deploy headscale within a kubernetes cluster with replicated storage layer to ensure availability but in my case i didn’t want it to have it in my kubernetes cluster and didn’t want to create another cluster just for headscale. It runs perfectly on a cheap 1€ IONOS VPS XS (where both is already included, 1 IPv4 address and 1 IPv6 net).

If you want to run a headscale server / coordinator using docker-compose and the admin-ui from GoodiesHQ the following docker-compose files might help you.